Saurus Warriors (hand weapon and shields) x30 full
command = 360 pts
Saurus Warriors (spears and shields) x30 full command = 360 pts
Slann Mage Priest = 450 pts
Chakax = 200 pts
Gor Rok = 200 pts
Scar Veteran Battle Standard Bearer = 150 pts
1x Hero on Carnosaur = 400 pts
20x Temple Guard (2x boxes) = 350 pts
6x Terradons/Ripperdactyls (2x boxes) = 250 pts
1x Stegadon = 215 pts
2x Bastiladon = 300 pts
3x Razordon Packs = 200 pts
1x Troglodon = 200 pts
So, total = 2500-3500 pts depending on configuration
Saurus Warriors (spears and shields) x30 full command = 360 pts
Slann Mage Priest = 450 pts
Chakax = 200 pts
Gor Rok = 200 pts
Scar Veteran Battle Standard Bearer = 150 pts
1x Hero on Carnosaur = 400 pts
20x Temple Guard (2x boxes) = 350 pts
6x Terradons/Ripperdactyls (2x boxes) = 250 pts
1x Stegadon = 215 pts
2x Bastiladon = 300 pts
3x Razordon Packs = 200 pts
1x Troglodon = 200 pts
So, total = 2500-3500 pts depending on configuration
This is actually the army list of Shawn Gately of Bluetable painting. I might add or subtract a few models but he seemed to have a pretty solid list. Since the army will be mostly for display purposes I won't bet all the temple guard or multiples of of the same unit. I'm pretty excited for this! I love the sculpts of these models especially the Carnosaur and Troglodon!
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