Wednesday, July 17, 2013

On the Work Bench

Hey everybody!

I just figured I would have an update about what is going on both in my life and about model building. Even though everybody in this hobby would probably like to be able to work on models all day.... life, work, and other responsibilities usually get in the way of that!

Currently I'm helping out at College for Kids/Teens at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. I just graduated from there in May and was invited back by a friend to help him teach a couple classes over the summer. This is great because it involves two things that I am passionate about: military history and model building! The U.S. Navy class is currently going on and we are having the kids build models of a couple different ships. I'm currently working on a USS Lionfish. Its been a while since I did any scale modeling of this type, I used to build more planes and ships as a younger kid but I've recently got more into Gundam and various miniatures right now. Hopefully when all is done it will look halfway decent! When I pick it up from the classroom I will do a WIP on it.

For more info about the sub click the picture!

I'm also working on a model for my girlfriend's sister. I'm pretty excited about this as I really haven't made a model for anybody but my own self before. So I'm working on the 1/144 Beargguy painted to look like a Panda for her. So far its turning out pretty awesome! I will be taking pictures in the next few days and making a WIP on that. by the way my girlfriend is the one who took the pictures on the GM Ground Type and made the banner at the top of the page! (Shes so awesome!) 

Besides those two things I've just been fairly busy at work and waiting to start grad school next month!

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