Friday, September 13, 2013

WIP: Level Up!

Hey everybody!

This is a WIP update for the Level Up! contest being ran by GundamUK. Awesome guy and the whole idea of the contest is pretty sweet! Basically the whole idea is that you are going to build a model and work on something you want to get better at. For me this is weathering and I think I picked the perfect kit to practice this on! If you want to know more check out GundamUK's blog. 

When choosing a kit I wanted to pick something fairly easy, since I'm going to be putting the majority of my time into grad school and really focusing on weathering the kit. I also wanted to show how much I improved so I figured why not do a kit I have one of already? This is why I picked the HGUC Char's Z'gok. As you can see on this blog I already made one of these kits, and that happened to be one of the first kits I actually painted! I figured this way one could really see home much I have progressed since the first kit and this current one!

I'm planning on doing some kind of Char color scheme and doing some weathering on this guy. I want to make it look like its been in the water for some time having barnacles and such growing on it. I'll keep a running WIP on this as I get more work done on him. I won't be able to do too much since they are starting work on the house next Monday, but after that I should be ready to go!

Right now I'm just working on removing seam lines and cleaning up all the parts. I should be ready to start priming very soon!

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